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PHP strings
What is a string?
A string is a sequence of letters ,numbers, special characters or the combination of characters - letters and numbers.
Every programming language deals with a string. So in this Tutorial, we would learn to create , concatenate and basically manipulate a string.
How to create a string in PHP
In PHP, you create a string by enclosing it in a single or double quotation marks. Although, the single and double quotation mark works in different ways.
Let’s begin in full.
$example = ' Hello World ';
That is an example of a string.
Here is the PHP code
$str = 'Hello world';
echo $str;
Manipulate strings
Calculating the length of a string
To calculate the length of a string, you use the
strlen( ) function. This means that you use the function to get the number of characters in a string with the blank space inclusive.
Here is an example
$str = 'Welcome to Zhullyblog';
echo strlen($str);
Reverse a string
strrev ( ) function is used to reverse a string.
Here is an example
$sample = "Welcome to zhullyblog";
echo strrev($sample);
Replace text within a string
str_replace( ) is used to replace text in a string.
Here is an example
$sample = "Welcome to blog";
echo str_replace("zhullyblog" ,"blog" ,$sample);
Count number of words in a string
str_word_count( ) function is used to count the number of words in a string.
Here is an example
$sample = "Welcome to blog";
echo str_word_count($sample);
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