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Introduction to HTML - Zhullyblog

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Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language.

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to design wep pages. Most people say it is the bedrock of most websites. This language is used to build and design webpages.
The hypertex markup language uses tag which makes it easy to structure a web page. Of all programming languages, HTML is one of the easiest and so simplest.

HTML is a markup language used by the browser to manipulate text, images , links , display them and align them.

This beautiful language was developed by Tim Bernes-Lee in 1991. He developed the first version (HTML 1.0) in 1991. The standard version was HTML 2.0 which was developed in 1999.
The development of this programming language has made it easy to both kids and adults to build a genuine website.
There are several version of HTML listed below:

  • HTML 1.0  - 1991
  • HTML 2.0  - 1995
  • HTML 3.2  - 1997
  • HTML 4.01  - 1999
  • HTML5  - 2014.
Note : HTML5 is the most current HTML which has many more features.

Now, let's take a good look at HTML in depth.

Introduction to HTML

The description above is the skeleton of HTML. Well ,that what I call it.
Let's break it down.
<DOCTYPE! html>
This tag is the very first thing you see when working with HTML. This tag tells you the actual version of the HTML.

 This is the root element in which all code is contained.
The head tag is very important. In the head tag, you can add CSS and JavaScript. We will dive into that as we move on with the tutorial.
Body! You should be familiar with this. Let's be realistic, your body contains everything in you. So is HTML body. The body tag contain every tag and content that will appear in the web page.

Okay, that enough with the structure. To work with HTML, you need to save your file as .html. extension.
Once you save your file as .html extension, you get every features of HTML.
Well, you should have installed a text editor like Visual basic or noedpad or sublime.
I use Visual basic if you ask me.

Now, let's start with the basic. If you are new to programming, the very first thing you need to learn when studying a new programming language is Hello world.
Let's create a page that displays Hello world.
I said earlier that you need to save your file in your editor as .html.
So now, we are starting with hello world, let's save our file as hello.html.

The example above is one of the simplest and I think you should understand it.

Why do you need to learn HTML?
There are uncountable reasons why you should learn HTML but let's be specific.
It is simple and easy to understand.
 This is a very good reason why you should learn HTML. It is very simple as it is human friendly. You don't need a tutor to understand HTML.

It is used to create website
Hola!! What else do you need . Websites are ruling things now yunno. Imagine when you can create a website, you are a millionaire. Most companies nowadays have websites, this means that the demand for web developers is very high. Okay , forget the money part, you can make changes, you can connect with people safely , you can work anywhere at any time.

Boost your career
The knowledge of web development will jumpstart your career.

It is supported by all browser
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