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How to generate output in JavaScript

Generating Output in JavaScript

In the previous tutorials , we talked about Variables and strings. So in this tutorial, we would be talking about how to generate output in JavaScript.

Supposed you have to add the value of x and y to get z. The z will be the output in JavaScript. And that  is what we call generating output. There are times you might need display message to the user. All this is done by generating output.
There are several ways of generating output in JavaScript and we will be covering all.

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Generate  Output to Browser Console

This is the most used method when it comes to generating output. This method is very simple. You can decide to Output a string , calculate , send a message etc.

 Let's see how it works.
To generate Output to Browser, you use the console.log( ) method.
Here is an example

console.log("Hello world");

Generate Output to Browser Window

This is another method used to generate output. To generate output , you use document.write( ) method.

document.write ("Hello world");
Display in Dialog box

This is also one of the most used method. This is very suitable for web development. You create a dialog alert box using the alert( ) method.


alert ("Hello world");

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